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"Storytelling for grown people who still have their inner child alive"

Catalan writer of Beninese origin and daughter of an UN consultant teacher. After doing primary and secondary education in Côte d'Ivoire in 1978, he settled in Barcelona, ​​where he learned Spanish and Catalan, in addition to French and gun, his mother language. She graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona. Interested in the culture of oral tradition and the gastronomy of West Africa, since 1990, she acts as a narrator in schools, libraries and cultural institutions, bringing to the public legends and traditional stories of her people and the African continent, many of which he has collected in his books.


Escriptora catalana d'origen beninès i filla d'un mestre consultor de l'ONU. Després de fer estudis primaris i secundaris a Costa d'Ivori el 1978, es va establir a Barcelona, on va aprendre castellà i català, a més del francès i del gun, la seva llengua materna. Es va llicenciar en filologia hispànica per la Universitat de Barcelona. Interessada per la cultura de tradició oral i la gastronomia d'Àfrica Occidental, des de 1990 actua com a narradora en escoles, biblioteques i institucions culturals, posant a l'abast del públic llegendes i contes tradicionals del seu poble i del continent africà, molts dels quals ha recollit en els seus llibres.

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